
High Coast World Heritage: Digital Lectures and Guided Tour

14 Maj 2025
Ons, Sön
Antal tillfällen
4 st
300 kr

Om arrangemanget

Are you fascinated by the High Coast? Do you want to learn more about why this beautiful place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site? Here you can learn both in theory and practice, as well as delve into the County Administrative Board's material about the World Heritage Site.

Course Description

In conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the High Coast World Heritage site, the County Administrative Board has developed a lecture series about the World Heritage Site that concludes with a guided tour in Skuleskogen National Park, offering the chance to practically experience what has been learned in theory.




2025-05-13 19:00-20:00 Online/Zoom: The World Heritage Concept, The Ice Age, Land Uplift and the Sea

2025-05-20 19:00-20:00 Online/Zoom: Why is the High Coast high? Nature in the High Coast

2025-05-27 19:00-20:00 Online/Zoom: Humans and land uplift, Sceintific discovery of land uplift

2025-06-07 10:00-15:30 Start at Skuleskogen West Entrance (Entré Väst), Guided Hike in Skuleskogen National Park

If you do not wish to participate in the guided tour, you can register for the lectures HERE instead.


Prerequisites No prior knowledge is required. The guided hike in Skuleskogen requires that you can walk in uneven terrain, in a slow tempo, for about 10 kilometers.


Course Leader Patrik Bylund works as a World Heritage Coordinator at the County Administrative Board, is a trained Biologist. He has worked as a nature guide for many years and has experience guiding everyone from preschool classes and royalty to professional nature enthusiasts.


Materials You need access to a computer or mobile device with a web browser and functioning audio. We will send a link to the meeting before it starts, and you do not need to download any app or program. We will also send a link to Learnify, which is our learning platform. There you will find a wealth of material related to the High Coast. During the hike, you need to dress according to the weather, with good shoes or hiking boots and bring your own lunch and water.


Good to Know You are always insured when you take a course with us. If you want to know more about the lectures or the guided tour, you can reach the course leader at patrik.bylund@lansstyrelsen.se. If you have questions about registration and administration, contact helena.bylund@medborgarskolan.se.


Deltagaravgift: 300 kr

Summa: 300 kr

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