25 Sep 2024
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Om arrangemanget

Learn about fascinating Dutch Royal history in a free and digital lecture.


From 1890 to 2013 The Netherlands had a remarkable succession of no less than three reigning Queens (otherwise known as Queens Regnant). In this presentation, however, Dutch historian Arnout van Cruyningen introduces the Queens Consort, in other words the wives of the successive Kings of the Netherlands. Most people will have seen pictures of Queen Máxima, consort of the present King Willem-Alexander. Her predecessors in the nineteenth century, on the other hand, will be less familiar to most and therefore the focus is on these Royal women: Hortense de Beauharnais, Wilhelmina of Prussia, Anna of Russia, Sophia of Württemberg and Emma of Waldeck & Pyrmont.

Hosted by Mårten Hougström in cooperation with Medborgarskolan Stockholm


Arnout van Cruyningen lives in Wijchen, the Netherlands. He is an expert on the history of Europe's Royal Families and the institution of Monarchy, and the author of several books on the House of Oranje-Nassau and the history of the Netherlands, as well as a large number of articles and book reviews in national and international magazines.

European participants

European citizens may partake in this lecture. Please send you full name, birthdate, phonenumber with country code and adress to folkbildning@medborgarskolanstockholm.se to get signed up. Registration can be no later than on the 24th of september.



Location: Distance in real time via the program TEAMS, link sent out the same day by email

When: 25th of september 19.00 - 20.00

Price: Free but advance registration is required


In colaboration with the city of Stockholm

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